Foxhole is a cooperative sandbox massively-multiplayer action-strategy video game developed and published by Canadian video game company Siege Camp, who are based in Toronto, Ontario.
The game was released for Windows via Steam's early access program in July 2017, and reached a peak of 4,813 concurrent players in under two weeks before being fully released on September 28, 2022.
Players can choose between two opposing factions, the Colonials and the Wardens, with each faction having different visuals, weapons, and vehicles. The role of the player is not predetermined: there is no rewarded class-based system or player progression although there is a rank system that allows greater permissions. Players can progress through this rank system with "commends" (a sort of experience point earned gradually for playing). The game features a player-driven in-game economy, requiring players to use tools, such as a hammer, sledgehammer, or "harvester" in order to gather raw resources.
These materials are used to manufacture everything the faction will use in combat, including weapons, ammunition, fortifications, and vehicles.

Upon choosing a faction, the player spawns in their faction's home region, and then into an allied-controlled town hall or relic base. Certain towns have special facilities such as factories, garages, and ship yards which allow players to manufacture equipment and vehicles. When produced in factories or mass-production factories ("MPFs"), items and vehicles come in crates, which are groups of individual items that can be transported in shipping containers. There is a heavy reliance on coordinated logistics in the game, requiring organised supply runs to front line bases in order to keep players on the front line supplied with weapons and ammunition, as well as providing materials to repair and build fortifications. Because one soldier supply item is consumed every time a player spawns into a base, supplying these to bases forms an important part of the logistical effort of every war.
Players are encouraged to work together to efficiently use resources, intel, vehicles, weapons, and ammunition to gain the upper hand over the opposition. Players can also plan and execute attacks with others, coordinate attacks using a map-marking system, and carry out reconnaissance to gain a tactical advantage over the opposition. "Commends" given by other players increase the receiving player's rank, encouraging teamwork and logistics tasks. A day and night cycle exists in the game, with 12 in-game hours being equal to 30 minutes in real-time, although map regions are on different cycles. A central feature of Foxhole's persistent war is the artificial intelligence (AI) system, through which certain defensive structures near friendly bases are controlled automatically, firing on enemies to defend locations even if defending players are absent.
In order to win a war, players must secure and build up a specific number of victory points (town halls that are marked out in their regions) across a multi-region world map. To achieve this, both teams must coordinate their logistics and their army to capture enemy bases town halls. The teams also work to unlock new technology through a technology tree, for which players must gather tech-specific resources at salvage fields. Currently, both factions coordinate tech material gathering and tech progression in their respective Discord servers. Cooperation is essential as wars can go on for weeks or months. Additionally, player-led operations within areas of the game can last from days to weeks.

Foxhole Lore
The Wardens and Colonials are fictional factions from the alternate timeline universe that Foxhole takes place in. They are not representative of any nation/group from real history and neither faction serves as the "good guys" or "bad guys" in the world.
The game is set in an alternate timeline and universe where the great wars never ended.
Want to know more?
There is has a lot to it. There are many different game play styles you can choose from and there is also a lot of information to find about Foxhole. Browse in YouTube or reddit and you will find all the experiences other players have!
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